Works are now complete on the Creek Way, road stabilisation project for Renewi UK Services Ltd.
The service road to the ELWA Frog Island site is continuously subjected to extremely heavy traffic, with a steady stream of HGVs bringing in waste from East London to be processed. This has taken its toll on the road, with certain areas requiring some serious attention.
Randall Contracting were tasked with constructing a 30m long retaining structure designed by Stirling Maynard Consulting Engineers to stabilise the road which runs adjacent to Rainham Creek. Access had to be maintained at all times, which considering the volume and nature of traffic was not going to be easy.
A big thanks therefore, to the staff at Renewi for their total appreciation of the technical and practical demands of this project and helped us to make a potentially difficult job, run smoothly and efficiently. A great example of real team work!