Renewi UK Services Ltd - Creek Way Road Stabilisation Works
Access to the ELWA Frog Island facility, managed by Renewi UK Services Ltd is via Creek Way, a private estate road from the public highway at Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex. The road is continuously subjected to extremely heavy traffic, with a steady stream of HGVs bringing in waste from East London to be processed. The road has been showing signs of movement and distress for many years and has been subject to various inspections and temporary measures to maintain the road ensuring safe access for vehicles entering and leaving the ELWA site, however it was time for a more permanent solution.
Randall Contracting were tasked with constructing a 30m long retaining structure, designed by Stirling Maynard Consulting Engineers to stabilise the road which runs adjacent to Rainham Creek. The works required taking possession of the in-bound side of the access road to excavate for and construct the new retaining wall. Vehicle access had to be maintained at all times, which required the implementation of an automated traffic management system running 24/7. A sheet piled temporary works scheme also had to be designed and installed to maintain the stability of the “live” carriageway and ensure the safety of vehicles using the road and protect the workforce.
The site was also environmentally sensitive and required an ecological assessment and monitoring in the early stages of site preparation.
On completion of the retaining structure, the road was reinstated, existing Platipus ground anchors re-tensioned and tested and the embankments down towards the creek regraded to suit the new formation. Finally, erosion control matting and seeding was carried out to further help stabilise the bank and protect it from weathering and tidal scouring.
12 weeks
Principal Contractor and Principle Designer
Services provided
Site clearance and ecological monitoring
Earthworks and Temporary works
Traffic Management & Roadworks
Reinforced Concrete Structures